Department of Social Services: The Hidden Trends of Disrespect

Stop it at the start: The hidden trends of disrespect

A boy standing in an alleyway facing a wall of neon emoji signs

 Educating parents on the new, hidden forms of disrespect.

The Australian Government has launched the fifth phase of its domestic violence prevention campaign, ‘Stop it at the Start’, to reveal and teach adults about the new hidden trends of disrespect in young people’s online and offline world - so they can help them navigate it. 

A boy's profile backlit by neon signs

Revealing the hidden trends of disrespect our kids are being served on a daily basis.

A step toward driving long term change.

A young boy looking up at a sign saying 'Man: The Superior Gender'
A girl looking up from her phone

Showing parents and influencers of children how to uncover hidden conversations about disrespect before they cause harm.

As part of the campaign, we launched the ‘Algorithm of Disrespect™️’, an interactive educational tool which simulates the average young Australian’s online experiences and interactions.

The virtual experience highlights examples of the influences and influencers, and the array of content and conversations which often surrounds social media feeds and algorithms, revealing the hidden trends of disrespect our kids are being served on a daily basis.