BWS: Here For It
BWS tells Australians they’re ‘Here For It’

However you like to pre-party, BWS is here for it.
BWS has launched a new brand campaign to show Australians that however they like to pre-party, BWS is here for it, taking the stress out of that last minute sprint to get to your event.
The campaign celebrates the vibe of pre’s, highlighting that no matter how early we plan to get ready, we can get lost in the moment, because sometimes getting ready is almost as good as the event itself.

Whether it’s grabbing a cold drink at the last minute or stocking up on your way out, BWS makes it easy and convenient so you can enjoy the best part of the night - getting ready.
This campaign is a celebration of the pre-party ‘you’. The one that needs to doom-scroll on the toilet, dance in your undies and watch a documentary about dugongs before going out. Luckily, with a BWS on the way, you can observe all your sacred pre-party rituals and still rock up on time-ish.
Whether it’s dancing in your undies or watching a documentary about dugongs, BWS is here for it.